Tuesday, June 17, 2008

EPM North

As a thunderstorm moved in from the west and Cal joined us at my kitchen table for a delicious beef stew with fresh-baked biscuits, Dave and I met for some two hours last evening to review progress on OTL and continue planning for future Eagle Peak Media projects. Things are looking very good. We viewed Harry and Dave's work so far on the rough cut of OTL Act I, and it's awesome -- even without the soundtrack and with lots of black screen where footage and stills will be dropped in. The story line holds nicely. Dave played the role of narrator (we will of course record our real narrator, Yemi Sekoni, when we're further along), and while his voice came out weird (for reasons we cannot explain), the timing is pretty much dead-on. So much great work by so many great people have left us in the catbird seat (knock on wood).

-- Wayne

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