Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Columbine Memorial

Regular readers of this blog know how we like to chronicle our film here, and Dave and I sometimes mix it up with some fun. We had one of our best days shooting today in months as we near the end of production, but we took some time in early evening to visit the memorial to the 13 students who were killed nine years ago this April in America's worst high school shooting. We briefly visited the outside of Columbine High School, where the shooting took place, then walked to the top of a nearby knoll where the memorial is located. The sun was heading down over the distant Rockies, but there was still plenty of light. A bit chilly. A bit of wind. We walked through the memorial, which reminded us of the Vietnam War Memorial in Washington, on a smaller scale. Beautifully designed. A teenage couple pictured here was visiting, too; they talked in hushed tones. Dave and I shot some film -- me, stills, he, motion-picture -- and we read the inscriptions, and the remembrances, and were deeply moved. We didn't speak much then, not until we were back in the car. We do not comprehend what happened here, but the emotions we felt -- sadness, reverence, mystification, something spiritual -- connected us to something bigger. I have a gallery of special places I have visited in my life that I will never forget, and this so properly joins it. The other still is Dave, with my shadow next to his.

-- Wayne

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